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Bath products that contain Tigers Eye are Solar Plexus Chakra, Tigers Eye Unscented Soap
Tigers Eye
Chalcedony Quartz Cat's Eye. Yellow-gold, confidence, will power, clears thinking (and thus speaking), personal power in life. Yellow / solar plexus, chakra. (Not as strong as citrine or Topaz.) Works on Mental plane: amplifies thinking and manifesting what you think about careful will helps separate thoughts from feelings, so centered, less emotional. Digestion, stomach, anxiety, ulcers, bones. Rub with essential oil on Front. Bottom for blood detox. Use with malachite or pearl for mental/emotional balance, understanding. Helps change anxiety, fear and obsessive-ness into practicality, logic. Yang. Green or Blue: See Hawk's Eye.
Properties: This stone is most recognized for bringing money, psychic protection, courage, luck confidence, willpower, clear thinking and speaking to show us the personal power in life that we have. Very versatile for the Yellow/Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra. Tiger's Eye works on our mental plane by amplifying thinking and manifesting what you think about. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, more centered, less emotional. Tiger's Eye allows us to recognize both our talents and our faults. It can reveal your true needs without our self-serving or rigid mental attitudes getting in the way. Use Tiger's Eye with malachite or pearl to benefit from their synergy for mental/emotional balance and true understanding. This stone helps change anxiety, fear and obsessiveness into practicality and logic. Has the grounding energy of the earth, but is embellished with a glowing warmth. A stone for people who need more confidence to accomplish their goals. Draws helpful people and material things to the wearer. Centers energy and mental focus. This stone helps us to find our closest version of perfectionism without obsessive behavior. Tigers Eye is the anniversary gemstone for the 9th year of marriage. Roman soldiers wore tiger's-eye for protection in battle. Tiger Eye was thought to be all seeing due to its appearance.
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Folk Remedies: Known for treating digestion and stomach disorders such as biventricular disease, anxiety and ulcers. Helps with the mending of broken bones and the alignment of bones in the spinal column. It has been used for disorders of the eyes such as night blindness. Rub with essential oil on front and bottom of stone before placing it at your solar plexus for detoxification. Tigers Eye relieves high blood pressure. The Chinese categorize this stone as a true balancer of Yin and Yang. Therefore, it balances both sides of the brain, bringing awareness to perception.Feng Shui: Used in the Center area for balancing and grounding. The Chinese categorize this stone as a true balancer of Yin and Yang.History: A member of the Quartz family, Tiger's Eye is often confused with Cat's Eye. The difference is in the fibers of crocidolite that have been replaced by silica in Tiger's Eye, which are twisted. (The fibers in Cat's Eye are straight). Tiger's eye is mined in Western Australia, South Africa, USA, Canada, India, Namibia, and Burma. Roman soldiers wore tiger's-eye for protection in battle. Tigers Eye was thought to be all seeing due to its appearance. The bands in Tiger's Eye display chatoyancy, which resembles an eye of a tiger, receiving its name due to its similarity. There is an amazing correlations between photos from the universe and stones we have in the earth itself. These are from a site called Multi-Universe, check it out, click on the pictureRed Tiger's-EyeRed: Strengthens your body force/energy, is grounding and is used at the Root Chakra.Tigers Eye, RED: Enables one to slow down. Slows the 3rd chakra and flushes excess energy out. Soothing and calming. Balances the yin-yang. Supports the 1st and 2nd chakra. Blue Tiger's-EyeHawks Eye Tiger's Eye:Hawks Eye Healing stonesHawk's Eye/Falcon's Eye: Natural Green, gray or blue Tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a Hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: Deepens meditation. helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. It can help gently attune the third eye redMakes it easy to retain overview in complex situations and helps with difficulties in decision making. Relieves pain; helps with shivering, and hormonal hyperactivity. Hawk's eyes strengthens will and courage. Fortune. Helps one to speak more and gain more confidence. In gemology, chatoyancy is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gemstones. Coined from the French "oeil de chat", meaning "cat's eye", chatoyancy arises either from the fibrous structure of a material, as in tiger eye quartz, or from fibrous inclusions or cavities within the stone, as in cat's eye chrysoberyl. The effect can be likened to the sheen off a spool of silk: the luminous streak of reflected light is always perpendicular to the direction of the fibres. Tigers Eye, MULTI-COLORED: Aids with intuition, releasing fear and allowing ones personal power to come into ones body. Provides enthusiasm for life. Helps one to see the inter-connectedness of all things. Helps the ego to release the idea of being separate. Calming. Grounding.Gold Tiger's-Eye Tigers Eye, YELLOW/GOLD: Combines the energy of the sun and the earth. Peaceful. Helps one seeking clarity. Helps with intuition. Supports the 3rd chakra. Releases introversion and fear. Stimulates wealth. Used in treatment of disorders of the eye, throat, reproductive system and intestines. Helps night vision and spinal alignment.