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Used By Celebrities!
Bath products that contain Peridot are Monkey Chinese Astrology, Peridot Unscented Soap
Health, Wealth, Protection. Clear bright green/green-yellow. Clears Heart Chakra, pathway, strengthening breath of life, prosperity, growth, openness. Used by Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas to gently cleanse and heal the physical heart. (lungs, lymph, breast) The more yellow the gems the better they are for Solar Plexus Chakra (stomach, liver, adrenal...) Helps understand relationships, other realities Alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety. A visionary stone. Helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Can help us visualize not only the ultimate peak of physical but of spiritual continuation as well. However, if you are confused or fearful, Peridot should be used in a limited way. It releases toxins and brings them to the surface, thus neutralizing them. Helps with mental cleansing by highlighting problems. The stomach and other digestive tract organs may benefit from Peridot . Stimulates tissue regeneration.
To purchase Peridot stone products, click here