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Catlinite Crystal Soap With Rocks

Bath products that contain Catlinite are Wisdom And Serenity, I should know better, Catlinite Soap Unscented


Pipestone aka Catlinite - Catlinite is related primarily to the root (base) chakra.

Catlinite, also called pipestone, is traditionally used as a Native American ceremony stone, for making pipes and other totems. Catlinite has the quality of connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone. Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors.

The soft red stone which comes from the sacred quarries in Pipestone, is internationally known as Catlinite. It feels smooth to the touch, and is easily carved with a regular pen-knife. Most Catlinite is not pure red all the way through, it normally has small lighter pigments scattered in the dark red, these are known as stars, and the markings can often look like a universe in the making.

The biggest difference is the dust, Catlinite dust has healing qualities, the other stone does not. Pipestone craftspeople have for many years been working with the dust all around them. Never do they use a face mask, and never have they had any lung problems. A couple of women have asthma, but they still make craft items and it doesn't cause them to have an attack. When you go to a craftspersons home there is always pink dust around from their work over the years. It does no harm. I have seen people using the other stone and they use a mask, the dust is sharper and can cause lung problems.


To purchase Catlinite stone products, click here

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